political news
- Project Vote Smart - run by a bipartisan group of interns and volunteers, Project Vote Smart publishes the biographies, voting records, and other details about all presidential, congressional, gubernatorial and state legislative candidates.
- Poltical News Daily - political news updated daily from the NY Times, Washington Post, AP, and Reuters.
- North Carolina Politics - at stateline.org
- CNN - Politics - news, opinion and analysis of American and global politics.
- ABC News Politics
- National Journal - provides nonpartisan coverage and analysis of the people, issues and trends that drive the policy-making process in Washington
- Washington Post Politics - information on Democrats, Republicans, political cartoons, opinions, government policies, political analysis and reports.
- Campaigns & Elections
- FedSpending - gives you easy ways to see exactly where, and on what, your federal tax dollars are being spent.
- OpenCongress - brings together official government data with news and blog coverage to give you the real story behind each bill
- OpenSecrets - presenting political news, and the actual political positions of the parties and candidates, as well as disclosing how much campaign money they have raised and where it came from
Conservative Political News
Liberal Political News